The other day, while I was driving past IKEA, a billboard caught my eye. A billboard announcing the sale of childrens' furniture. The hoarding read - "For the most important people in the world" - obviously referring to children. What struck me was what a load of marketing balderdash the statement was. At least in my opinion. When did the world gang up and decide that children are the most important people in the world? They ARE important. But surely they are not the MOST important? Look, it is a given that I would do just about anything to protect a baby.
But what about the old and the aged? Dont they figure as the most important? They have lived decades and have attained, hopefully, wisdom. We have many lessons to learn from their experiences, from their mistakes. We have wisdom to partake. If there were no old, there would no wisdom to teach the young. And what is a generation sans wisdom worth?
And what about women? Dont you think they are much more important? The stupendous depth & intensity of love that they are capable of.Surely we dont need a Mother's Day to remind us of all that?
I do love most children & all babies. But children aren't the most important people in the world.
True that IKEA is not out there to speak the truth of life....but rather interested in selling thier product.....that doesnt make it an invalid statement though.......why are old and aged important?