Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Simple Pleasures

I have 2 amazing books to read over Thanksgiving - Winterson's Lighthouse Keeping and Murakami's The Elephant Vanishes. I am as excited as a 5 year old would be on Christmas Eve, waiting to open her gifts. I wish it was perfect weather to go with these books. There are plenty of wooden benches beneath maple, birch and other trees here, which are so forlorn - yearning for someone to sit on them. But the cold is just too bone chilling to read sitting on them.


raj said...

Don't forget to enjoy the real world when you are done with the ficitional!Happy Thanksgiving!:)

S said...

Yep. The campus is beautiful, H... I've often wanted to sprawl out on the lawns outside Baker and read, but never managed... wonder why.

full_moon_p said...

What I wouldn't give for the uninterrupted time to read those books! If you have finished reading, how 'bout a review?