Wednesday, October 03, 2007

How the Divine Spark Within Me Nearly Ended

Couple of weeks ago, I woke up realizing that I was being strangled. Initially I thought it was my folks (they don't like me to be in bed after 4 am). For an eternal second, I flailed and writhed like a hapless rag doll, gasping for air. Then, thanks to the spark of brilliance within, I realized that my hands were actually free. So, instead of clawing the air, I began to claw whatever was squeezing the life out of me. Within milliseconds I was saved. The killer lay limp in my hands – defeated. It was Snake.

Snake is my bedfellow - a longish green soft toy with a wicked, pronged, red flannel tongue, black patches for eyes with one eye missing (I had gouged it out in sleep). This one-eyed-dopey-tongued-green-tailed-one-metered hideousity tried to end the divine spark within me.

Now let me come to the point of my post. Never buy this for your child. Them toys can be ungrateful and can betray you. Just like your kids. If you have to buy 'em, make sure the toys cannot strangle, asphyxiate, poison, blind, retard the child. Best bet is to not buy any toys. With Mattel recalling millions of Made-In-China toys even Barbies (!!), the last safe place on Earth, that is your child's nursery, doesn't seem safe anymore. So, don't buy them. Anyway, your ingrate of a brat doesn't deserve them after that made-in-3-minutes-on-scratch-paper greeting-card he gave you for your birthday.

That reminds me, I have to make a couple of calls to my aunts (as I exported 3 Snakes in all for my some of my cousins in India).

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