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My First Tag

'Twas fun to do. Might be tiresome to read though.

Last Movie You Saw In A Theater:
El Orfanato, a Spanish spookie.

What Book Are You Reading:
Malcolm Caldwell's Blink

Favorite Board Game:

Favorite Magazine:
Ever heard of The World & I?(although I have grown out of it) And, someday, I would like to say The Economist here, if only I understood 60% of the analysis in there.

Favorite Smells:
Distinct scent of grandmama's zari sarees and skin. Bath and Body Works Gardenia Lily body splash.  Crispy air right after the rain. Freshly mowed grass,  Sea Spray.

Favorite Sound:
Wind chimes tinkling, sounds of a gale, church bells tolling, voices of a couple of people.

Worst Feeling In The World:
Helplessness in the face of injustice small or big. Disappointment with oneself.

What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
Depends. Mostly God.

Favorite Fast Food Place:

Future Child's Name:
Sathya (irregardless of sex of baby). Or Mohana Leela.

Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd…"
travel a bit by air, water, road. Settle down to do some gardening while simultaneously fund a top-notch geriatric home.

Do You Drive Fast?
Umm…Is 50km/hr fast?

Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
Technically yes. But only because my pillow unravels into a 2m long green, slimy snake. Never slept with teddy bears and other furries.

Storms-Cool Or Scary?
Awe inspiring. So that would be, cool.

What Was Your First Car?
My dad's car. Don't know its model. brownish and looks sensible.

Favorite Drink:
Badam Milk.

Finish This Statement, "If I Had The Time I Would ….."
learn to fly, learn Latin, Korean, French, Esperanto, attend a Vedic school, attend Kalakshetra in Chennai and get a dance degree, read all the Latin classics, learn gardening and work as a asst gardener, climb up the peaks of Kilimanjaro, Mt Fuji, Kota Kinabalu and couple more sidey mountains, learn to …    

Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?
With gusto.

If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
  A tinge of brown.

Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In.
Vizag, Singapore, Houston, London, Oxford,

[definition of 'living' being staying in a place for more than 3 months continuously]

Favorite Sports To Watch:
Olympic Games.. I know, I know, it ain't a sport. But hell, I watch every sport during the Olympics. And of course, India vs Pakistan matches

One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
Not Applicable.

What's Under Your Bed?
My bed is actually part of the wooden parquet. So, it has these really cool, hard to detect drawers which slide out in a jiffy to reveal my messy life - I stow away my costume jewellery, financial statements, 6 non-functioning earphones, ipod, papers, files, everything, note paper, bed time reading, aroma candles, lamps, paper clippings, knickknacks.... I mean everything..

Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
Yeah. I like myself a whole lot. (no that wasnt a joke)

Morning Person Or Night Owl?
Both. Its not the timing, it's the quietness I get during dawn and twilight. So both.

Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?

 Favorite Place To Relax:
My toilet or a quiet library or a movie theatre

Favorite Pie:

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:

You pass this tag to -
Anyone who wants to pick it up.

Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who's Most Likely To Respond First?
Lame Q.


Anonymous said…
hahah :)) awesome!
and mein gott, u dont know the make of the car u've been driving for the past 3 years?? sigh.
agnivarsha said…

knowingly or unknowingly if i ever hurt you with my comments or mails,i sincerely apologise.My comments and messages might have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.Please be assured that you will never hear from me again.I have deleted my orkut profile and nor i have any interest in blogging or making friends.

You have a bright future.
God bless u.

If there are 10liers and 1 true person,its very hard to believe that he is speaking truth,as it is human instinct not to believe him as others are not like him.But that one person always exists no matter how much he is blamed by others.

raj said…
lol.. good one! :) n btw, I ws reading "catcher in the rye", by JD Salinger, man.. its H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!LOL.. Did u read "A long way down" by Nick Hornby?..if u haven't, u gotta! hav a good one..!
Horsie said…
i think u shud have 2 kids. call one sathya. but the other one HAS TO BE, HAS TO BE christened "mohana leela"

rotflmao. double rotflmao.
it'll go down to be the most rocking name of the 21st century!!!

btw...u do know wat mohana leela means right? gud that u're setting ur boy up for success!!
Eastertide said…
Raj - I loved Catcher in the rye. TOtally. But it was more than hilarious to me. It was tragically beautiful. There were several instances that moved me to tears :-)

Horsie - I know what Mohana Leela is. Its a combonitation of the names of my nana and nani. A girl will be Mohana Leela. A boy will be Leela Mohan. :-)
raj said…
hmm..might true.. I am still reading it..!Its a terrific piece of work though..I am enjoying it..! lol. later then!

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