Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stop Playing the Victim

The best way to get over hurt, or not being hurt is to stop playing the victim.

If you didnt get that promotion, challenge 'em. If you didnt get good service, demand it. If he didnt call back, ditch him and conquer the other 3 billion men. If you were sexually/racially/ethnically discriminated, shove it back down their throats and move on. If you didnt get into that school, well admit that you wrote a shitty essay. If you didn't lose those 5 lbs, then be prepared to keep them. If fate seems to treat you nastily, get off that couch and write your own fate.

Anything but playing the victim.

We live in a self-absorbed world. Nobody has too much time these days to victimise you. So perhaps, then, you will stop feeling that shit happens in life and it usually always happens to you.


Horsie said...

sensed a "Karmanyeva Aadhikaraste" types proclamation in this one :).
though awesome spirit to live life by - ever heard the saying "Apna haath Jagannath" ? it means just this.

Walk on :). (there's a song titled this from U2 - rock again!! this info already puts u in a debt of 50$ to me).

unpredictable said...

:) ive found tht immersing urself in trying to lift someone's spirits works well too ... and avoid the grouches at a time like this :) they'll pull u down !

Anonymous said...

idi baavundi....