Monday mornings are such ghastly, hateful things.How does one survive 'em?
Call in sick and stare at the ceiling for ages? Take urgent leave and sleep in? Stay at home and watch reruns of Days of Our Lives? Quit the job and become a gardener?
There needs to be one thought, one damn happy, inspiring thought that should make it worth while to endure a Monday. One happy thought. What could it be?
Call in sick and stare at the ceiling for ages? Take urgent leave and sleep in? Stay at home and watch reruns of Days of Our Lives? Quit the job and become a gardener?
There needs to be one thought, one damn happy, inspiring thought that should make it worth while to endure a Monday. One happy thought. What could it be?
(1) your boss might be on vacation / call in sick / get hit by a falling aeroplane
(2) you will be promoted today to President from Vice-President (in charge of Photocopying, Faxing, Taxibooking & Getting Yelled At By Painful Clients)
(3) they have replenished the coffee in the vending machine
(4) Friday is JUST 5 days away
(5) Retirement is JUST 35 years away
(6) your zodiac forecast says that you just might travel to Cambodia in two weeks with some really really cool people